Almanac Articles

Balancing Chakras

Balancing Chakras

In our 2018 Almanac, I wrote an article introducing the concept of chakras. I wanted to follow up with more details on blocked, balanced, and overactive chakras and how to heal these sorts of imbalances. Chakras can influence physical and emotional health, so when they become unbalanced, it can lead to many health issues. You can balance chakras using meditation, affirmations, yoga poses, diet, crystal healing, energy work, color therapy, aromatherapy, sound therapy, nature, herbs, breathing, and visualization. I have included some of the many ways to heal specific chakras:

 The Crown Chakra, or The Sahasrara

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in depression, learning difficulties, weak faith, anger, and brain fog.

When this chakra is overactive is can result in being dogmatic, judgemental, having a spiritual addiction, or being ungrounded.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in faith, universal love, emotional and spiritual intelligence, being aware, wise, and finding understanding.

Healing: lavender, child's pose, fresh air, sunlight, nature, clear quartz stone, foods such as eggplant, passion fruit, ginger, and herbal teas.

Affirmation: "I am one with the universe, I am divinely guided, I live my life through my higher self."


The Third Eye Chakra, or The Anja

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in poor judgment, lack of focus, poor imagination, and not being able to see beyond the physical.

When this chakra is overactive, it can result in nightmares, delusions, hallucinations, being obsessive, or seeing too many spirits.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in being imaginative, intuitive, having clear thought and vision, and the ability to see beyond the physical.

Healing: rosemary, downward dog pose, amethyst stone, foods such as purple potatoes, blackberries, plums, dark chocolate, and omega-3s.

Affirmation: "I trust my intuition, my vision is clear. I trust the guidance of the universe."


The Throat Chakra, or the Vishuddha

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in feeling an inability to express oneself or speak out, feeling misunderstood, secrecy, and not being a good listener.

When this chakra is overactive, it can result in being too opinionated, loud, critical, gossipy, prone to yelling, talking over others, or being harsh with words.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in feeling confident expressing oneself, clear communication, feeling creative, or being diplomatic.

Healing: peppermint, cat/cow pose with lions breath breathing, turquoise stone, foods such as blueberries, figs, kelp, tree fruits, and simple spices.

Affirmation: "I express myself and my emotions freely. My feelings are heard, respected, and appreciated."


The Heart Chakra, or The Anahata

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in a lack of empathy, being bitter, hateful, having trust issues, and being intolerant.

When this chakra is overactive, it can result in feelings of jealousy, co-dependency, being self-sacrificing, or giving too much.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in feelings of peace, love, compassion, tolerance, and being warm and open.

Healing: roses, camel pose, rose quartz stone, foods such as broccoli, kale, chard, leafy greens, warm soups, and vitamin c.

Affirmation: "I am loved, I receive love every minute of life."


The Solar Plexus Chakra, or The Manipura

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in low self-esteem and feeling powerless and inferior.

When this chakra is overactive, it can result in being power hungry, domineering, critical, and perfectionistic.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in feelings of confidence, empowerment, personal power, drive, motivation, and a good self-image.

Healing: ginger, warrior pose, yellow citrine stone, foods such as yellow peppers, lentils, squash, oats, complex carbs, chamomile.

Affirmation: "I am abundant, I always have enough. I love, accept, and trust myself fully."


The Sacral Chakra, or The Svadhisthana

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in feelings of low libido, fear of intimacy, no creativity, and isolation.

When this chakra is overactive, it can result in emotional overreactions, codependence, addictive personality, and aggression.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in feelings of passion, creativity, healthy libido, optimism, and being open.

Healing: orange, bound angle pose, carnelian stone, foods such as seeds, nuts, oranges, carrots, pumpkins, coconut, broth, and teas.

Affirmation: "I am a creative, passionate being. I am in touch with my feelings."


The Root Chakra, or The Muladhara

When this chakra is blocked, it can result in feelings of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, instability, and feeling ungrounded.

When this chakra is overactive, it can result in feelings of greed, lust, aggression, materialism, cynicism.

When this chakra is balanced, it can result in feelings of safety, security, feeling centered, grounded, and deep happiness.

Healing: sandalwood, tree pose, red jasper stone, foods such as proteins, root vegetables, beets, and apples.

Affirmation: "I am safe, the universe protects me. I am full of confidence and energy."



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