Photograph of ClearLungs Extra Strength supplement on an ocean blue pedestal, with a diffuser beside it, and some coral nearby.

Ultimate Support for Free Breathing

ClearLungs® Extra Strength

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A photograph of an apothecary with shelves of herbs in jars, a potting table for plants, and a bright window wall.

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A photograph of SereniZen Gummies product laying on its side, with gummies spilling out neatly on an Ocean Blue background.

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Photograph of a home office setup with computer, whiteboards, shelves, and knicknacks.

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Whether you're new to supplements or you're just not sure which blend is right for your body, we've got you. We created this easy quiz to help you find your perfect formula.

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Our Customers Favorites

Daily Gentle Liver Support

LiverClean™ helps support liver function, healthy bile production, and encourages gentle cleansing by combining Blessed Thistle, Dandelion root, Barberry, and more.

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Photograph of LiverClean supplement on a cream backdrop with ginger root and cocktail glasses around it.
Illustration of blessed thistle.

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle, used in European and Ayurvedic herbal traditions, was considered 'blessed' for its powerful properties. As a “bitter” herb, it aids in producing bile, supporting healthy liver function. It may also support a healthy inflammation response in the liver. Blessed Thistle is regarded as more gentle than Milk Thistle, which may be harmful to those with compromised liver function.

Illustration of barberry plant.

Barberry root

Barberry root has been cherished in folk medicine across Europe and Africa for centuries. Modern studies reveal that it contains antioxidants and alkaloids, particularly berberine, which supports bile secretion. Bile secretion is essential to both the liver and the gallbladder. It also supports liver enzyme function.

Illustration of dandelion plant.

Dandelion root

Dandelion root is celebrated for supporting liver and kidney function. It aids in the body's natural detoxification processes and helps maintain healthy fluid balance.  Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium, Dandelion root is vital for supporting liver health and gentle cleansing.

A group of volunteers, smiling while they take inventory of donations for a food pantry.A photograph of an apothecary with shelves of herbs in jars, a potting table for plants, and a bright window wall.Hands holding a gift wrapped in tan recycled paper, tied with twine, and some herbs tucked in.

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Portfolio Formulation

Our complex formulas use small doses of many ingredients, rather than large doses of one or two, a method that can make them more effective for more people, increasing your chance of finding a solution that works for you.

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Certified B Corporations (B Corps for short), are for-profit companies dedicated to using business as a force for good. B Corps meet third party verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability to all of their stakeholders: customers, workers, communities, and the environment.

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Introducing Kids to Medicinal Herbs: Easy and Beneficial Choices

Introducing Kids to Medicinal Herbs: Easy and Beneficial Choices

As parents gear up for another school year, exploring natural remedies like medicinal herbs can offer a holistic approach to supporting children’s health and well-being. Introducing kids to herbs n...

RecipeChocolate Hazelnut Butter

Chocolate Hazelnut Butter

Lately, I have become obsessed with making my own food from scratch. Bread, pasta sauce, granola, salad dressing, anything! Picture the Swiss Chef from the Muppets and you have an idea of the daily...

Almanac ArticlesShelter Animals

Shelter Animals

If you are ever looking to find a new family member and a friend or have some room and love to give, please visit your local animal shelters! I recently saw a statement on our local shelter's Faceb...

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