Health Wellness

Intentional Relationships

Intentional Relationships

We all have relationships with other people. Every encounter with another person creates a relationship between us and that person. Some encounters happen only once, while others are the most impactful relationships of our lives. Intentional encounters and relationships can have huge impacts on both people’s lives. If there is anything we should be intentional about, it is how we approach encounters with other people.

Here are the top ten things I try to keep in mind while building intentional relationships:

  1. I imagine my legacy, a life where positive human interactions define success.
  2. I allow space. For myself and others.
  3. I believe in good intentions.
  4. Harmony in music is when notes played together have a pleasing effect. The same goes for harmony with people. 
  5. I have courage and stick up for myself.
  6. I am going to screw up from time to time. It is a fact because no one is perfect, but I allow the same measure of forgiveness I apply to myself to others. 
  7. I listen. And listen to comprehend.
  8. I try to be a good steward of trust.
  9. Walking away from a relationship where a mutual benefit is no longer possible is OK.
  10. Human well-being relies on social connections.

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About The Author

Melissa Christensen, our BeeKeeper (AKA Chief Operating Officer), has been beekeeping the team since 2007. Melissa helps keep the office running smoothly, is full of positivity and oversees the health of the company and its employees. She describes herself as optimistic, amiable, adventurous, witty, and resourceful. Her favorite herb is Dittany of Crete, and she proudly recommends our Gladder Bladder™ (Melissa came up with the name for this one), AdrenaLove®, Essential Eyes®, PhysiQOL™, and SereniZen® Gummies.

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