Information regarding a fire at RidgeCrest Herbals headquarters

Information regarding a fire at RidgeCrest Herbals headquarters


Early February 3, 2024, a minor electrical fire occured at RidgeCrest Herbals main offices located at 2260 South 3600 West, Salt Lake City, UT, 84119. The fire was contained to the front lobby and was quickly extinguished by the local fire department, who arrived promptly on the scene after security systems were triggered.

Swift Response and No Harm

We are grateful to report that no injuries were sustained, and no employees were in the building at the time of the fire. We commend the professionalism and swift action of the fire department personnel, who ensured the situation was resolved quickly and effectively.

Operations Unaffected

Importantly, we want to assure all our customers and partners that this incident has caused no disruption to our core operations or services. Fortunately, our data center and critical infrastructure were undamaged and remain fully operational. Additionally, we are pleased to report that the fire and smoke damage did not extend to the warehouse where our product is stored. Our Quality Unit Director, Brittini Gehring, has confirmed that our temperature sensors remained operational throughout the incident and reported no increase in temperature. We have found no other indication that could point to an issue with the safety or quality of our product, for which we are extremely grateful. 

Business Continuity and Next Steps

While we are still assessing the timeline to return to the office, our front-office team already maintains flexible work-from-home schedules, so we expect very little disruption to our operations and services. The building owner has shown immense support and is working hard with authorities and the insurance company to allow us to focus on continuing operations while the damage is repaired. 

We are committed to maintaining complete transparency and will provide further updates as they become available. In the meantime, RidgeCrest Herbals remains fully dedicated to serving our customers and industry community with the same level of quality and excellence they have come to expect. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

For further information, please contact:

Will Christensen



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