
DIY Stick and String Trellises

DIY Stick and String Trellises

There are lots of simple and easy ways to make your own trellises for relatively no or very low cost. These all involve some sort of string (twine, rope, wire, etc.), and what I will fondly call “sticks,” which are branches, twigs, leftover wood, wire mesh, and even things like unused PVC pipe from a project. Keep in mind that you can use any materials you have available that would work to make these trellises (modify away!).

Classic String or “Cat’s Cradle” Trellis - All you really do here is securely stake at least two sticks into the ground over the distance needed for your plant or crop, then run your string between them, weaving it around and back, so there is twine on both sides of the plant. As the plant grows, you add more cord higher up the stakes. Super simple. Super easy. 

Tent or Teepee Trellis - You need at least three sticks for this, string, and some stakes. It’s just like it sounds. You lean each stick into each other and form a cone, securing them together with string. For extra support, you will want to secure each stick into the ground with a stake and more string. 

T-Post String Trellis - This is a vertical string trellis from a bar attached to two very secured stakes. Same idea as the Classic String Trellis, but you have a stick that sits parallel to the ground on the top. From here you draw string from the base, or ground level, of one stake to another. You then add string vertically from the top bar to the ground, attaching the vertical strings to the ground level one. This is great for plants that grow tall. 

Upside-Down “V” Trellis - This one is done best with tall thin sticks, like bamboo or branches, but can be done with whatever you have available. You’ll also need some wooden stakes or the like. Using sticks fairly equal in length, form upside down “V”s and secure together. Run a horizontal stick along and through the tops of the “V”s, securing it with more string. At the bottom of each stick, attach a short wooden stake with string to anchor them to the ground. From here you’ll run the vertical string down from the top pole that sits center over each plant and tie it loosely to the stem, which is to be gently wrapped around the plant for support as it continues to grow. 

Diagonal String Trellis  - This is for shorter, easier-to-reach gardening. Here you run a pole between two sticks, securing it with string, just like with the T-Post or “V” trellis (your choice on method). Once you’ve done that you gather some wooden stakes and secure them tightly into the ground, parallel to the pole stick, at least two feet out (the more horizontal you want it the further out you place your stakes; this would also vary based on plant growth size). You then run a string from the center pole to the stakes, over your existing plants, or where you plan to plant. As your plants grow, you can tie or clip them to the string.

What do you do in your garden? Share with us by tagging us on Facebook or Instagram!

About the Author

 Nichole Peterson, our Magical Marketing Millenial (AKA Marketing Director) has been our brand boss and marketing maestro since 2016. Nichole is behind building and maintaining our brand, trailblazing our marketing and advertising, innovating us into the future, and directing the marketing team with creativity. Nichole describes herself as a wilderness enthusiast, artist, bookwork, spiritual alchemist, and mother. Her favorite herbs are Eucalyptus and Elderberry and she proudly recommends our AdrenaLove®IntelliGut®PhysiQOL™SinusClear®ClearLungs® Classic, and ClearLungs® Liquid.

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About The Author

Nichole Petersen, our Magical Marketing Millennial (AKA Marketing Director), has been our brand boss and marketing maestro since 2016. Nichole is behind building and maintaining our brand, trailblazing our marketing and advertising, innovating us into the future, and directing the marketing team with creativity. Nichole describes herself as a wilderness enthusiast, artist, bookworm, spiritual alchemist, and mother. Her favorite herbs are Eucalyptus and Elderberry and she proudly recommends our AdrenaLove®, IntelliGut®, PhysiQOL™, SinusClear®, ClearLungs® Classic, and ClearLungs® Liquid.

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