Almanac ArticlesThe Environmental Dangers of Microplastics

The Environmental Dangers of Microplastics

Have you ever had an idea that sounded good and ended up being terrible? Maybe carrying too many groceries at once, spilling your coffee, or even my first marriage. But if you are lucky, your good ...

Almanac ArticlesThe Benefits of Hugs

The Benefits of Hugs

One of my favorite people, the late Collin Kartchner, was known as a great leader and he influenced many kids across the country. It is because of him that I learned about the “8-second hug.” Scien...

Almanac ArticlesManifestations for Mental Health Conditions

Manifestations for Mental Health Conditions

Mental Health is Important to Everyone A mental illness is a condition that affects a person's thinking, feelings, or mood. Such conditions may affect someone's ability to relate to others and func...

Almanac ArticlesMaslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was one of the first American psychologists to gain international recognition and is now considered one of the great psychologists of the 20th century. Maslow is well kno...

Almanac ArticlesNourishment: Summer

Nourishment: Summer

Melissa: What does your garden need for Nourishment this season? Summer is a busy time in the garden. Here are a few tasks to keep your garden at its peak performance. Prune your spring trees and s...

Almanac ArticlesThe Evolution of Parenting

The Evolution of Parenting

As the mother of a now 3-year-old, I have thrown myself into parenting books, courses, and podcasts, basically anything I can get my hands on to make sure I am doing all I can to raise an emotiona...

Almanac ArticlesEmerge From Darkness

Emerge From Darkness

Life is such a fickle, ever-changing, and evolving thing. Just when you think you’ve gotten the hang of it, boom! A pandemic hits, sending all of your plans, goals, and dreams to the wayside. Whet...

Almanac ArticlesThe Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

It’s often said the power of forgiveness will set you free. I always thought this was a bit cliché. Forgiveness is hard to rationalize and put into action. It’s easier to hold onto anger as it is ...

Almanac ArticlesAlternative Milk Types

Alternative Milk Types

It’s becoming more and more commonplace to use dairy milk alternatives, and the traditional dairy industry is quickly losing ground. New legislation has affected many of the alternative milk produc...


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