Artistic illustration of a camping scene with tents, trees, and a group of hikers in the forest

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Troop Scoops

Troop Scoopis soup a meal

Is Soup a Meal?

The ancient tomes of RidgeCrest Herbals history speak of an age of peace, when employees could come together, greet each other with a firm handshake and a hearty grunt of welcome, and work side-by...

GardeningNourishment: Fall

Nourishment: Fall

Melissa: What does your garden need for Nourishment this season? As the weather gets colder and things are winding down in your garden, there are still many tasks to accomplish. Fall is a great ti...

GardeningNourishment: Summer

Nourishment: Summer

Melissa: What does your garden need for Nourishment this season? Summer is a busy time in the garden. Here are a few tasks to keep your garden at its peak performance. Prune your spring trees and s...

Troop ScoopRockhounding


Lately I’ve been obsessed with rockhounding. What is rockhounding? It is searching for and learning about rocks, minerals and fossils wherever you may be. I like it because it slows the world down ...

Troop ScoopKindness in a Crazy World

Kindness in a Crazy World

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. — Aesop As a single mother of an 8-year-old boy, I am constantly second-guessing myself. Am I teaching him the right way to succeed and be ...

GardeningSpring Nourishment

Nourishment: Spring

Melissa: What does your garden need for Nourishment this season? Spring is an exciting time in the garden as dormant plants start to wake up. Now is the time to clean up your flower beds and boxes....

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