Artistic illustration of a camping scene with tents, trees, and a group of hikers in the forest

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Troop Scoops

GardeningSpring Nourishment

Nourishment: Spring

Melissa: What does your garden need for Nourishment this season? Spring is an exciting time in the garden as dormant plants start to wake up. Now is the time to clean up your flower beds and boxes....

Troop ScoopShae's Fasting Journey

Shae's Fasting Journey

Ever since I was in the third grade, I have struggled with my weight. I have been made fun of and called terrible names. It's been a long-standing scar in my life. So naturally, like so many of us...

Troop ScoopNichole's Gallbladder Journey

Nichole's Gallbladder Journey

I started having gallbladder issues in 2019. The first time I had an attack, I went to the emergency room, not knowing what was happening to my body. It was alarming, and the pain was comparable to...

Gardeningstaff picks winter nourishment

Nourishment: Winter

As winter settles in and the world around us slows, the time for quiet nourishment begins. This season invites us to look beyond the bustling growth of spring and summer, instead focusing on gentle...

Troop Scoopstorytelling


I’m crazy about storytelling. As my children have moved out and started their lives and families, I have seen things they value from their childhood that surprised me. One of those things is storyt...

Troop Scoopmovie-review-joe-vs-the-volcano

Movie Review: Joe Vs. The Volcano

One of my favorite movies is a cult film called Joe Versus the Volcano (1990), written and directed by John Patrick Shanley, who also wrote Moonstruck. Although it’s maybe best described as a cross...

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