Surreal illustration of a pyramid, UFO, werewolf holding magnifying glass, and planetary symbols in an antique, sketchy style.

Learn More About The Mysterious, Strange & Unusual, The Weird, Wild & Wondrous

Learning about the strange, unusual, and downright wild can be an adventure that keeps you on your toes and fuels your curiosity. From mysterious phenomena to outlandish conspiracy theories, diving into these topics adds a dash of wonder (and maybe a little side-eye) to your life. Plus, who doesn't love a good "what if" conversation to spice up a boring day?

Weird, Wild & Wondrous

Weird Wild & WondrousThe Winchester Mystery House

The Winchester Mystery House

Have you heard of the Winchester Rifle, “The Gun That Won the West?” Perhaps you have, but have you listened to the weird, discomfiting tale of the heiress of the Winchester gun fortune?

Weird Wild & WondrousNewly Discovered Species

Newly Discovered Species

We live in a big world that is so expansive and vast, we haven’t explored all there is living and growing in it yet. Our knowledge of this planet is constantly changing and evolving. Every year, we...

Weird Wild & WondrousCrystal Skulls

Crystal Skulls

In the late 19th century, Anne Mitchell-Hedges and her father, F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, claimed to have found a skull carved out of rock crystal at a Belizean excavation site. Anna said the Mayans tol...

Weird Wild & WondrousThe Blob

The Blob

Did you know there’s an organism that doesn’t have a mouth but can eat, no limbs or muscles but can move, and no brain but can learn and pass on information to its offspring? It isn’t some exotic u...

Weird Wild & WondrousTrees and People, People and Trees

Trees and People, People and Trees

It will not matter if you view the “beginning” as a serpent convincing Eve to eat the fruit from a tree or early man taking shelter and building fire to protect himself with trees. From the beginni...

Weird Wild & WondrousThe Grand Canyon's Temple of Isis

The Grand Canyon's Temple of Isis

The Mystery Begins The rumored underground city in the Grand Canyon, known as the Isis Temple, sits at 7,012 ft. and is a formation of Coconino sandstone. Legend has it an ancient culture, possibl...

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