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Health FreedomDeclare your health independence: the Health Freedom Amendment

Declare your health independence: the Health Freedom Amendment

Why Health Freedom Matters to You You could live in a world where: Health Freedom is widely valued and protected Health options are cheaper, better, more widely available, and innovation happens f...

Herbal Activismhealth-freedom-safe-affordable-effective

Health Freedom: Safe, Affordable, or Effective

Pre-market authorization (PMA) allows only drugs that are FDA approved. PMA sounds like a good idea, but really it’s misguided and harmful. It favors powerful drugs and drug companies, and keeps t...

Herbal Activismwikipedia-needs-our-help

Wikipedia needs our help!

Wikipedia needs our help! Wikipedia is a great source of information on a wide variety of topics. RidgeCrest Herbals has supported Wikipedia financially (in our small way) for years, because we f...

Herbal Activismsupplement-your-supplements

Supplement Your Supplements

Some people are looking for a pill that will solve all of their health problems—I’m not talking to them. Real people know that real health requires real change. You can’t keep doing unhealthy thin...

Herbal Activismthe-happiness-advantage

The Happiness Advantage

I recently read Shawn Achor’s The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and in Life. Achor has taught at Harvard, spoken all over the world, and given a TED talk with over...

Herbal ActivismThe FTC Warns of Unsubstantiated Claims

The FTC Warns of Unsubstantiated Claims

On April 13, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent a notice to 670 food and supplement companies that may (or may not) be making unsubstantiated claims. RidgeCrest Herbals was one of these ...

Herbal ActivismFarewell to the Friedman Doctrine

Farewell to the Friedman Doctrine

Milton Friedman (1912-2006), one of the most influential economists of the 20th century, was a free-market advocate, libertarian, teacher, and iconoclast. While his ideas often challenged conventio...

Herbal ActivismThe FDA's new MPL (Mandatory Product Listing)

The FDA's new MPL (Mandatory Product Listing)

On February 7, 2023, Dr. Cara Welch, Director of the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs, outlined why the FDA wants a new mandatory product listing (MPL) database. She makes the following argume...


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